Hey, I'm Amber
I've always been a creative soul, expressing myself through music, art, and dance and I love to share my experiences through writing.
However, I occasionally felt lost and lacked confidence in making consistent progress. I also suffered my fair share of internal mental battles with anxiety and OCD.
Just before 2020, I had an out-of-this-world experience, and suddenly my spiritual beliefs began to differ from what I thought I originally knew about the world. These changes have continued to occur in my life to this day.
I went through a repeated cycle of rediscovering new spiritual things, and it was one of the best, yet agonising times of my life.
🔮 I discovered I had mediumistic abilities and could sense the energy of spirit around me
🌙 I found an interest in tarot card reading which soon became one of my passions
📖 I began writing fictional stories and digital e-books
💊 I went through an agonising journey with my mental health

how I started tarot reading
Surprisingly, tarot wasn't something I connected with right away. I actually began my journey with Oracle Cards, and at first, I struggled to interpret them, relying heavily on the guidebook. It wasn't until I took the initiative to teach myself how to read Oracle cards that I felt ready to buy my first tarot deck.
I got my first tarot deck during a particularly challenging time in my life. Like many, I turned to tarot for guidance and insight into situations I was struggling to understand. Interestingly, no one introduced me to tarot, and if I’m being completely honest, I’m still not sure what exactly drew me to that first purchase.
At the time, I wasn’t spiritual, nor did I have any kind of belief system to fall back on. But I remember diving into online tarot courses for months and picking up the practice quite quickly. I dedicated myself to learning every day, and it soon became part of my routine.
Even now, I discover something new each time I pick up the cards. What I love most is how personal tarot has become for me—my interpretations may not always align with others, but that uniqueness is part of what makes my readings so meaningful.
my journey with mediumship
I was not born a psychic or medium, nor did I practice or see spirits from a young age. However, I was incredibly open-minded, creative and curious.
I discovered mediumship as I was learning to read tarot. I was performing with the cards when I suddenly felt a variety of energies around me. It was quite overwhelming and I honestly didn't have any idea what was happening at the time. I started seeing names flash before my eyes in my head, and I could feel my hair being touched. This all took place on a live Facebook video.
It wasn't until I met a lovely lady and spiritual mentor who informed me that I was a medium. After this, I attended 4 months of weekly training where I would sit with a stranger and attempt to communicate with one or two of their passed loved ones.
Every session was different; some I could fly through, and others I would struggle to get even a piece of information. I concluded that communicating with spirits is like going to the gym, if you do it for a while you get rusty. For me, it's essentially a psychic muscle I have to train so I can tap into it quickly.
Mediums usually have one or two clair-senses which are dominant. I am predominantly clarisentience, which means I feel them, their energy and their feelings. The other Clair-sense I have is clairvoyance, where symbols are shown in my third eye.