The Star | Symbology & Interpretations | Tarot Card Meanings

Updated: Feb 2

After the chaotic Tower card, The Star brings faith and hopefulness with its gentle healing approach. Being the card of Aquarius, The Star suggests renewal and rebuilding after overcoming heavy obstacles. This card brings deep serenity and inspiration and shows up as a blessing from the universe in the form of a new opportunity. Your life is falling back into place.

The Star Keywords

Imagery & Symbolism

The imagery of The Star card in tarot often depicts a naked woman kneeling beside a body of water, typically a stream or pool. She is usually shown pouring water from two containers, one onto the land and the other into the water, symbolizing a balance between the conscious and unconscious mind.

Above her, a large star shines brightly in the night sky, surrounded by smaller stars. The woman may be surrounded by lush greenery or have one foot in the water and one on the land, representing a connection to both the spiritual and material realms. The overall scene exudes a sense of serenity, hope, and a profound connection to higher guidance.

Eight Stars: The large yellow star represents the character's core essences, and the seven surrounding stars represent the seven chakras.

Naked Female: Nakedness is a common sign of vulnerability and exposure, suggesting that this is a vulnerable situation for the individual yet she has nothing to hide.

Five Streams of Water: These represent water being poured into the five senses. Five is also a number symbolising changes within the Tarot and numerology.

Flamingo: The Ibis is symbolic of balance, adaptability, purity, mystery, and unity

One Foot in Water, One Foot on Land: Similar to the Temperance card, having one foot on the land can signify the connection with the conscious and reality, and the other foot in the water can signify being connected to the subconscious and the emotional world.

Brown Mountain: The mountain can signify overcoming obstacles and the brown can suggest staying rooted with the earth and reality.

Blooming Flowers: The flowers blooming on the grass are in their beginning stage of life, this signifies hope and renewal.

The Star Tarot Card Meanings


The Star appearing in a general reading is a sign from the universe that you need to listen to your inner voice and trust you are heading toward your life purpose. It is important to accept help when it is offered, as it is a time to progress forward.

The star is a card that often appears after a stressful situation, particularly as it comes after The Tower card. This means that there is a sense of optimism and hope after a chaotic event.


The Star can indicate a feeling of hopelessness and pessimism regarding an event, person, or situation. This can be the aftermath of a chaotic and negative event, and the lack of motivation to move forward may be preventing situations from being rebuilt or recovered. You may be prone to giving up or are in a depressed state that was triggered by something and is causing apathy.



When The Star appears in a love or relationship reading, it can suggest you are in the stage of seriously rebuilding your relationships and finding a way to bring yourself back on your feet. This card can appear after a relationship breakdown or a relationship that is going through the process of healing. It is important to ask your spirit and your ancestors for help and guidance during this time, as they are close.


The Star can be a sign of feeling insecure and discouraged in relationships. If you are single, it can suggest you are feeling hopeless about finding 'the one' and may be at the stage of giving up. In this situation, it is important to know that spirit is on your side, guiding you behind the scenes. You may not be seeing their signs and messages clearly, as your thoughts and judgments may be clouded.



When The Star appears in a career, job, or business-related reading, it can indicate that there are career opportunities or sudden promotions for you. There may be positive opportunities, where you will see yourself take centre stage for a short while, and this can indicate a boost of morale and confidence, particularly if you feel the universe has your back.

The Star can also indicate a healing or recovery period after business downfalls. These business movements will be slow and steadily rebuilt, and can also suggest that there may be a business angel giving you an offer.


The Star can indicate a period of hopelessness and loss of motivation after business downfalls. It may be a difficult period to rebuild your business or career, or you may be in a position of job-hunting if you have lost your job.

You may have lost your confidence and ability to think positively about things, and you must ask your angels and ancestors for help to get yourself or your business back on your feet.



The Star appearing in a financial position usually indicates that your financial situation has the opportunity to improve. You may have just experienced a financial downfall or loss which caused the dramatic change, and you may be expecting positive financial offers coming to you. Alternatively, The Star can indicate the slow and steady progress of coming out of a recession.


The Star in a financial reading can suggest a sense of apathy and lack of motivation when it comes to improving your financial situation. There may be multiple external factors that are causing this, however, it is important to work on your internal motivation and faith in the possibility of seeing your finances improve.



The Star appearing in a health reading is a positive card of recovery after illness. The Star is typically a card of healing and patience and can suggest taking a certain amount of time out to recuperate your energy and become stable. Alternatively, The Star can indicate a good period of positive optimism and emotional energy.


The Star can indicate that your health is still positively recovering and moving forward, but there may be slight delays in how long this will take. Your health may be affected by how optimistic you are for recovery, or how motivated you are to take action.


As an individual, The Star can represent an optimistic and opportunistic individual who has faith that everyone will turn out positively in the end. This individual likely has had a few hardships and downfalls in the past and is using these as lessons and stepping stones to recovery and move forward toward their desired future.


Pay attention to signs from the universe and ask your guides, angels, and ancestors for help and guidance. Connecting with nature and water will be important for you.


This card can suggest a lack of faithfulness and trust in the universe. You may have given up on yourself and are not noticing signs from the universe. You need to cleanse your auric field and may have lost your sense of purpose.

